Enjoy family fun at the Arndale on 7 & 8th April as the Double Bubble Dome arrives packed full of edible milk chocolate bubbles.
Kids and adults alike will enjoy this free activity, which includes the chance to win goody bags and prizes. Head to the beautiful Spring meadow in Exchange Court to sign-up, enter the Double Bubble Dome and wait for the Bubble Volcano explode.
Straight out of the world of Willy Wonka, watch as a cascading volcano of edible bubbles arrive for you to bite right out of the air – it’s time to go crazy trying to catch as many bubbles as you can in the allotted time.
Our friendly team will be on hand to help you capture amazing memories through reels and pictures. Share your fun content on social media at the end of your experience and you’ll get the chance to win great-tasting goody bags or special prizes from the likes of Hotel Chocolat, Lindt, Over the Rainbow and Candy Crunch.
Visit the Double Bubble Dome from 12-5pm on Friday 7thand Saturday 8th April in Exchange Court (outside Next). All sessions are walk-in only and each session will welcome up to 6 people.

Fancy continuing the competition? Head to our brand new Sports Direct store to discover a whole host of free games, including a golf putting green and Jordan basketball performance challenge. You can also book a session at their Belong Gaming Arena for just £5 an hour or £10 for a full day! Find more info here.