The Best ‘Instagrammable’ Food Places In Manchester Arndale
Posted 5 years ago | In Food & DrinkSit down at any restaurant, cafe or bar and you’re guaranteed to see someone spending more time ‘gramming’ their food than actually enjoying it. Don’t get us wrong, we’re guilty of it too, lucky for us, we’ve got plenty of perfect places to indulge our passion for updating our feed with food!
Don’t get us wrong, we’re guilty of it too, lucky for us, we’ve got plenty of perfect places to indulge our passion for updating our feed with food!Food photography is an art, making your lunch look worthy of few thousand likes isn’t as straightforward as just taking a quick snap. You have to think about the angle, the filter and the composition and this is all before your burger goes cold or your chips turn rock hard. So to give you a helping hand with this uphill battle, we’ve scoured our restaurants for the best instagrammable foods, so that you can give it a go…
1) FusionLabMcr
FusionLab Manchester have been pushing the boundaries and promoting forward-thinking oriental cuisine. Here are some of their latest snaps of their mouth-watering menu! Who knew a good old Burger and chips combo could look so good?
Follow @fusionlabmcr

2) VietShack
Next up is VietShack who are pushing boundaries in creating new and exciting flavours for those South East Asia aficionados out there. The dishes look great and are shot with flair and passion, making us want to run to the Shack to grab some of the action!
Follow @vietshack

3) Waffle Island
Now Waffle Island are in a league of their own when it comes to Instagrammable food. Their sugary treats look too good to eat. (Almost).
We would recommend either the Cookie’N’Cream Bubble Waffle or Coconut Macaroons. Your Instagram feed and your belly are in for a treat!
Make sure you follow @waffle_island (Although don’t blame us if you end up putting on a few extra pounds as a result).

4) Krispy Kreme
Family favourite Krispy Kreme have got Instagram nailed. Just look at these little, delicious, melt-in-your-mouth treats. If they weren’t so flippin’ tasty, we’d happily spend all day snapping these beauties instead of eating them. These are truly the supermodels of the food fashion world. Move over Kate Moss, Reese’s Peanut butter Kreme is in town.
Follow @krispykremeuk